A Climate Action Planning Team for Oak Park
laura derks laura derks

A Climate Action Planning Team for Oak Park

As many in our community know, the climate emergency demands comprehensive and effective action by all of us. Each year in the last three, Oak Park has borne climate impacts that damaged homes and yards, incurred unexpected costs, and affected our daily lives. This includes intense rains that flooded basements, deadly polar vortexes that caused skyrocketing heating costs, and long summer droughts that leave our yards and gardens parched.

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What you can do for Earth Day 50
Amy Rosenthal Amy Rosenthal

What you can do for Earth Day 50

April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a significant worldwide holiday to celebrate our green-and-blue planet and take local actions in our community. The Greater West Side — Oak Park, Austin, and River Forest — had planned multiple celebrations to honor and celebrate this important milestone, and we are now encouraging all to participate in new ways — virtually and in the real world.

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