Climate Coaches
Oak Park Climate Action Network (OPCAN) is partnering with the Village of Oak Park to offer free coaching on the following topics to all Oak Park residents, on request:
Getting started reducing my emissions
Insulating drafty homes
Installing rooftop solar panels
Signing up for community solar
Switching from gas heating to electric heat pumps
Switching to a heat pump hot water heater
Switching to an induction stove
Upgrading electrical panels
Preparing for and purchasing an Electric Vehicle (EV)
Native gardening for your lawn or parkway
Reducing basement flooding
Recycling and composting
Available grants, rebates and tax credits
To request a Climate Coach session, fill out this form:
Our principles
We are all volunteers: Climate Coaches are volunteers from Oak Park Climate Action Network. Volunteers have identified their skills and experience, and opted-in to fulfilling requests as they come in. We are not affiliated with any of the vendors or contractors we recommend. Each request typically gets 1 or 2 volunteers assigned, depending on the type of request.
We focus on short-term engagements: Our engagements are intended to be advisory, limited and not a substitute for full-time paid labor or a contractor. Our goal is to provide information and recommendations on actionable next steps and get you to the next step in making your home climate friendly.
We respect confidentiality: We respect your privacy and confidentiality. We will not share your information outside our pool of volunteers and the Village of Oak Park.
Help us spread the word!
If you know of any person who you think could use our help, please share this with them. There are many people in Oak Park who we have not reached. Please help spread the word about this program and share the link to this page: https://opcan.org/climate-coaches