Where do the D200 and D97 School Board Candidates stand on climate action?

Oak Park is having a local election on April 1st, 2025. In addition to Township, Library, Parks, Village Board and the Village President seats, School District 200 (high school) and 97 (Elementary) candidates will be up for election.

Action on climate change must happen at all levels of government. That is why, this election cycle, OPCAN held a Village Trustee and President candidate forum on climate action and active transportation.

To help inform Oak Park voters, we have also sent a candidate questionnaire on climate action to all D200 and D97 candidates. Below are they’re responses.

So far, 7 candidates have responded. We will post additional responses as we receive them.

District 200 Candidates (High School)

All 6 candidates have responded.

David Schaafsma

District 200 board candidate

Write-in candidate

What is the current state of climate and sustainability education for students in D200? What do you support, and what would you change if elected or re-elected?

I don't know in general., honestly, what approach is taken schoolwide. I do know from asking my three recent kid grads that they had these issues addressed in classes. How focused or organized the approach to climate change and sustainability is, I dunno. I do know the central existential crisis on this planet is climate change. Doomsday clock crisis, obviously.. I have been teaching climate lit courses at UIC, we now have a climate change area you can focus on, and I have been involved with Rachel Havrelock's Freshwater Lab.  I am very interested--as is especially Katheleen Odell--in supporting a sustainability education initiative in oprfhs.  

Do you know where D200's largest greenhouse gas emissions come from, and whether they're growing or shrinking? How can those emissions be reduced, and what level of priority should it receive from the board?

You'd have to ask Fred or Audry, who addresses issues on the Imagine rebuilding project, which has addressed sustainability in every phase of its operation, Greg Johnson told us in a BOE-admin meeting that our carbon footprint is shrinking; he showed us stats to support this, but this is all I know. But--and I am not just being the glib politician here--almost nothing more important can be done than to focus on climate change right now. We are living in a time of climate catastrophe and OP should be taking leadership on this issue as a blue community, but all I have seen so far tells me it is. But I have not dug deep enough to know how true it is. This is one of my and Kathleen's personal campaign goals.

In a moment of significant rollbacks of climate change policies, programming and funding nationally, what can and should D200 be doing? And if elected, what would be your role in accomplishing this?

We live in a good state and village adjacent to a good city that has a strong climate change foundation., We just have to prioritize it more, I think. But the support is here to fight the anti-Green Trump/2050 attacks on our safety.  Suicidal/homicidal.

How should D200 set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals? Would you support having D200 endorse the Village-wide Climate Ready Oak Park plan and its 2050 goal?

I would very much want the board to endorse this plan and will make it a priority for us. I have been a climate activist for decades, but confess all these answers from me seem weak and unfocused, because in part because I have not yet been on the board. I co-authored the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Climate Change policy (my subject area's organization), have been active nationally, but confess my local climate activism largely begins now.

Audrey Williams-Lee

District 200 board candidate


What is the current state of climate and sustainability education for students in D200? What do you support, and what would you change if elected or re-elected?

D200 has been a leader in sustainability and I’m proud of the work done by the administrators, faculty, and students.  On the education front, several of the courses have sustainability units, including a required unit for all freshman in their English courses.  Also, Environmental Studies and AP Environment Science are popular courses (my son is taking AP Enviro Science in the fall).

There are also activities available that support learning and help broaden students’ knowledge about sustainability.  The Bio Research Club recently presented to MIT about their project to reduce methane emissions.  There is a strong Enviro Club, which is monitoring our District’s sustainability progress.  Students from the club attended the UN climate conference (Conference of the Parties - COP) in Baku, Azerbaijan last November.

I applaud and support the efforts to educate our students on sustainability, and the extracurricular activities available for those students interested in advocacy and research.  As a board member, designing curriculum is outside the purview of my responsibilities.  However, by monitoring the progress of the district against the goals outlined in our Sustainability Policy (4:70), which includes Education, we can ensure the targets are being met.

Do you know where D200's largest greenhouse gas emissions come from, and whether they're growing or shrinking? How can those emissions be reduced, and what level of priority should it receive from the board?

The largest greenhouse gas emissions come from operating the school.  We have over 1 million square feet to heat, cool, and power.  Our goal is to reduce our output by 45% of the 2010 level by 2030.  The geothermal system currently being installed under the football field will provide heating, cooling, and ventilation for the new Physical Education facilities being built, known as Project 2. The geothermal system will be completed in summer 2025.

Once Project 2 is completed and operational in August 2026, using geothermal is expected to get us to about 25% of our goal.  Other efforts focused on internal efficiencies have reduced electricity and natural gas use over the past 10 years.

It is a priority of the board as shown by the adoption of the Sustainability Policy and accompanying Sustainability Plan, which includes a scorecard. 

In a moment of significant rollbacks of climate change policies, programming and funding nationally, what can and should D200 be doing? And if elected, what would be your role in accomplishing this?

The most important thing we can do as a district is to stay the course.  We made a commitment to through the adoption of our policy which encompasses six goals:

  • Developing a Sustainability Plan and Scorecard, both of which were established in 2022

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction, and we have seen steady reductions

  • Waste, specifically reducing non-energy waste to landfills

  • Education, incorporating sustainability into both student curriculum and employee training

  • Food, increasing the availability of healthy, local and sustainable food options

  • Purchasing, factoring sustainability into purchasing requirements

As a board member, I track our progress on these goals and ensure our spending supports the sustainability priorities.  I would continue to do so if elected to serve a full term.

How should D200 set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals? Would you support having D200 endorse the Village-wide Climate Ready Oak Park plan and its 2050 goal?

A lot of work and thought went into setting the current D200 sustainability policy and goals.  A committee comprised of students, staff, administration, Board members, community members, Seven Generations Ahead, and Strategic Energy Management was formed to develop a policy.  The board should continue to regularly assess progress and adjust where necessary.   It is also important to be aware of any new areas of opportunities that may arise for us to continue improving our sustainability efforts.

As a governing body the D200 board already collaborates with the Village of Oak Park, having several Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) in place.  There is good alignment with the district’s goals and several of the commitments of the Village’s Community Sustainability, Climate Action & Resilience Plan.  I am supportive of having D200 and the Village explore where there might be opportunities to partner and strengthen the district’s plan.

Frederick Arkin

District 200 board candidate


What is the current state of climate and sustainability education for students in D200? What do you support, and what would you change if elected or re-elected?

We offer AP environmental studies and interested students can participate in the environmental club.  I support including sustainability & environmental topics to be presented in the coursework of other classes like english, history and math etc where applicable.

Do you know where D200's largest greenhouse gas emissions come from, and whether they're growing or shrinking? How can those emissions be reduced, and what level of priority should it receive from the board?

I believe our largest emissions come from our heating and air conditioning system. I am in full support of our sustainability policy requiring we hit certain benchmarks over time.  The geo-thermal project for Project 2 is a great start and I am in support of expanding it to the whole campus and coupling with solar arrays.

In a moment of significant rollbacks of climate change policies, programming and funding nationally, what can and should D200 be doing? And if elected, what would be your role in accomplishing this?

Not stray from the commitment of our sustainability policy and community values around the reduction of greenhouse gases and sustainable practices. I will be a vocal advocate for these initiatives.

How should D200 set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals? Would you support having D200 endorse the Village-wide Climate Ready Oak Park plan and its 2050 goal?

Continued use of the environmental club’s scorecard and updating the goals as needed.  Yes I also would love to see more collaboration between governmental entities, especially D97 & D90.

Joshua Gertz

District 200 board candidate

What is the current state of climate and sustainability education for students in D200? What do you support, and what would you change if elected or re-elected?

Currently, the board has adopted a sustainability policy and has committed to various goals within the plan. One element of the plan involves including sustainability in multiple disciplines as an element of the curricula. This includes student education as well as staff and community education and engagement. Nate and I are unaware of the extent to which we have adopted the educational initiatives outlined in the sustainability plan but we would support continued efforts to meet the prescribed goals. Additional collaboration with the Seven Generations Ahead organization and It’s Our Future would be beneficial to achieving these desired goals.

Do you know where D200's largest greenhouse gas emissions come from, and whether they're growing or shrinking? How can those emissions be reduced, and what level of priority should it receive from the board?

Nate and I are of the belief that D200’s largest greenhouse gas emissions come from its energy and the use of natural gas to provide heating for the building. As included in Project 2, the geothermal pump will largely eliminate the energy-caused greenhouse gas emissions and is the largest step the district has taken to reduce its carbon footprint.  We would welcome continued pursuit of LEED certification and additional programs, under the recommendations of the environmental club, Seven Generations Ahead, and It's Our Future to minimize OPRF’s negative impact on the environment when it is appropriate. Environmental impact will be one element given significant consideration when designing and updating the facilities in projects 3, 4, and 5.

In a moment of significant rollbacks of climate change policies, programming and funding nationally, what can and should D200 be doing? And if elected, what would be your role in accomplishing this?

D200 should stay its course and continue to evaluate sustainable options and alternatives whenever possible under the continued monitoring and guidance of Seven Generations Ahead and other like-minded organizations. If D200 has not already incorporated sustainability in curricula across multiple disciplines, that would be the first step we would welcome when evaluating the educational offerings in light of the sustainability plan.

How should D200 set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals? Would you support having D200 endorse the Village-wide Climate Ready Oak Park plan and its 2050 goal?

D200 should set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals in collaboration with student stakeholders and community leaders. Nate and I would support endorsing the Village’s Climate Ready Oak Park initiative provided it makes sense for OPRF and wouldn’t significantly burden the taxpayers that are already responsible for an elevated levy. We think the greatest opportunities for sustainability efforts exist within the design and development of projects 3, 4, and 5 as the high school continues to improve its facilities.

Nathan Mellman

District 200 board candidate

What is the current state of climate and sustainability education for students in D200? What do you support, and what would you change if elected or re-elected?

Currently, the board has adopted a sustainability policy and has committed to various goals within the plan. One element of the plan involves including sustainability in multiple disciplines as an element of the curricula. This includes student education as well as staff and community education and engagement. Nate and I are unaware of the extent to which we have adopted the educational initiatives outlined in the sustainability plan but we would support continued efforts to meet the prescribed goals. Additional collaboration with the Seven Generations Ahead organization and It’s Our Future would be beneficial to achieving these desired goals.

Do you know where D200's largest greenhouse gas emissions come from, and whether they're growing or shrinking? How can those emissions be reduced, and what level of priority should it receive from the board?

Nate and I are of the belief that D200’s largest greenhouse gas emissions come from its energy and the use of natural gas to provide heating for the building. As included in Project 2, the geothermal pump will largely eliminate the energy-caused greenhouse gas emissions and is the largest step the district has taken to reduce its carbon footprint.  We would welcome continued pursuit of LEED certification and additional programs, under the recommendations of the environmental club, Seven Generations Ahead, and It's Our Future to minimize OPRF’s negative impact on the environment when it is appropriate. Environmental impact will be one element given significant consideration when designing and updating the facilities in projects 3, 4, and 5.

In a moment of significant rollbacks of climate change policies, programming and funding nationally, what can and should D200 be doing? And if elected, what would be your role in accomplishing this?

D200 should stay its course and continue to evaluate sustainable options and alternatives whenever possible under the continued monitoring and guidance of Seven Generations Ahead and other like-minded organizations. If D200 has not already incorporated sustainability in curricula across multiple disciplines, that would be the first step we would welcome when evaluating the educational offerings in light of the sustainability plan.

How should D200 set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals? Would you support having D200 endorse the Village-wide Climate Ready Oak Park plan and its 2050 goal?

D200 should set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals in collaboration with student stakeholders and community leaders. Nate and I would support endorsing the Village’s Climate Ready Oak Park initiative provided it makes sense for OPRF and wouldn’t significantly burden the taxpayers that are already responsible for an elevated levy. We think the greatest opportunities for sustainability efforts exist within the design and development of projects 3, 4, and 5 as the high school continues to improve its facilities.

Kathleen Odell

District 200 board candidate

What is the current state of climate and sustainability education for students in D200? What do you support, and what would you change if elected or re-elected?

This is something I’d like to learn more about, if I am elected.  My understanding is that climate education is offered in many science classes, including of course AP Environmental Science, but also in other classes.  OPRF’s Environmental Club is awesome. (My daughter is co-president this year and has been actively involved throughout her time at OPRF.) This club offers many co-curricular learning opportunities.  I’ve also noticed some nice educational materials and signage related to some of the school’s sustainability projects, such as the geothermal installation. My understanding is that a Sustainability Curriculum Committee has been established as part of the district’s Sustainability Plan. As I said, this is something I look forward to learning more about, and I will advocate at every opportunity to increase climate and sustainability content in the curriculum and to make sure that every student receives at least some climate education during their time at OPRF. 

Do you know where D200's largest greenhouse gas emissions come from, and whether they're growing or shrinking? How can those emissions be reduced, and what level of priority should it receive from the board?

I have not seen any information from the school about this, but this is another great question. With a large and aging building, it seems that the bulk of the greenhouse gas emissions must be generated from heating, cooling, and lighting the school.  I know there is good work already underway to reduce the impact of the buildings, such as the geothermal installation, planning ahead for solar and green roofs, and purchasing electricity from renewable sources. I hope that these efforts are leading to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.  I would love to see a climate dashboard as part of the school’s communication plans.

Another challenge is the emissions from the very large number of cars that converge on OPRF before and after school.  I am interested in revisiting the question of whether the district might provide transportation for students, which has the potential to significantly reduce OPRF-related car traffic. If we explore electric shuttle transportation options to reduce car traffic, this could be helpful as an emissions reduction strategy.

I believe that these efforts must be prioritized by the board but also recognize the challenge of getting community buy-in for climate friendly projects, which many see as unnecessary expense. Again, I will advocate at every opportunity for OPRF to continue to be a leader in this work. 

In a moment of significant rollbacks of climate change policies, programming and funding nationally, what can and should D200 be doing? And if elected, what would be your role in accomplishing this?

I’m not sure that it’s clear what anyone can or should be doing in response to the chaotic and unpredictable changes at the federal level. The bottom line is, the climate crisis is not on hold, it continues.  As such, to the extent possible, the district should stay the course on projects underway, and continue to look for opportunities to do climate-friendly work. Alternative funding sources, such as the State of Illinois and/or private foundations, are an avenue to explore. Advocacy is critical, to bring awareness to the consequences of the changes at the federal level, and to hopefully undo some of the harmful changes in the months and years ahead. I will be happy to partner with the administration, other board members, and other government entities in Oak Park and River Forest, to find ways to keep OPRF’s progress on track.  

How should D200 set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals? Would you support having D200 endorse the Village-wide Climate Ready Oak Park plan and its 2050 goal?

D200 already has a sustainability plan (approved in 2022) with some ambitious goals.  I look forward to leveraging my seat on the board (if elected) to learn more about this plan and the progress that has been made so far.  I would support having the district endorse the village-wide Climate Ready Oak Park plan, especially since the district’s sustainability plan is already aligned with CROP in calling for a 100% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.  As mentioned above, the changes at the federal level make all of this more challenging, but the work must and will continue. 

The last thing that I will say, is that I see the school having at least three roles to play related to climate and sustainability.  One, as a significant physical plant and employer in the community, the steps that OPRF is taking to reduce its own emissions and to be a good citizen of the planet, are important.  Two, as an educational institution, the curricular and co-curricular offerings through which students learn about these issues, are critical. As I mentioned, I hope we can get to a situation where every student has some formal instruction about climate change and how to address it.  Third, even as the sustainability projects (for example, the geothermal installation) have a direct impact on reducing OPRF's emissions, this type of work also has an important indirect effect on students and the community, modeling the importance of investing in climate friendly infrastructure and creating opportunities for all of us to learn more about what is possible.

District 97 Candidates (Elementary)

1 of 5 candidates have responded.

Nancy Ross Dribin

District 97 board candidate


What is the current state of climate and sustainability education for students in D97? What do you support, and what would you change if elected or re-elected?

The District currently covers sustainability as it is included in Illinois learning standards, with some teachers opting to extend the topic when teaching other standards. While that is a good start, I support the District's recently passed Sustainability, Climate, and Environmental Justice policy (Policy 4:72) expansion of student engagement. The policy calls for student involvement in developing, implementing, and assessing sustainability plans; providing learning opportunities related to the environment, sustainability, climate change, and environmental justice; and educational support to connect local efforts to national and global issues. As we enact other plan components, we will have an exciting opportunity to connect students to tangible, relatable efforts in their immediate environment. My background in informal education at Shedd Aquarium and Adler Planetarium gives me direct experience with seeing how powerful, meaningful, and critical it is to engage students on sustainability. Working on projects such as the Global Climate Change Forums, I have also seen how crucial it is to address sustainability for the health of our planet. As a board member, I supported the creation of the board's first sustainability committee and the drafting of this now-passed policy. I will continue to help reach the goals outlined in our policy if re-elected.

Do you know where D97's largest greenhouse gas emissions come from, and whether they're growing or shrinking? How can those emissions be reduced, and what level of priority should it receive from the board?

Our most significant source of greenhouse gas emission comes from energy use in buildings and transportation, primarily the buses used to transport our students. While we have made some efforts to lower emissions related to these two factors -- improving the building envelope to increase HVAC efficiency and changing to LED lightbulbs, for example -- our upcoming shift to community solar will have an even more substantial impact. I was on the team reviewing community solar efforts and will continue to support increased conversion to sustainable energy resources. Additionally, our bus contractor is now working with us to see how we might shift to sustainability-friendly options. Our current efforts to add solar panels are being revised due to federal shifts in funding, but they are not off the radar; we are ready to act upon opportunities as they arise. While not directly related to our buildings, our lunch program and food waste are also contributing factors. We are working with District 200 (our lunch provider), staff, volunteers, and students to improve offerings, reduce transportation distances, and better handle food waste (sometimes turning it into food donation and eliminating the waste component altogether). There is room for improvement and expansion of these efforts, and I strongly support increased coordination and grant-seeking in these areas. Given the current flux at the federal level, work that positively impacts the environment at a state and local level is even more critical. Knowing that our students will need to be prepared to enter a changing workforce affected by environmental issues, emissions reduction is a high priority in and of itself, as well as to prepare our students for the future.

In a moment of significant rollbacks of climate change policies, programming and funding nationally, what can and should D97 be doing? And if elected, what would be your role in accomplishing this?

I mentioned that we are moving forward with all components not reliant upon federal funding -- community solar, improvements to buildings, and increased student education and involvement, to name a few. While waiting to see impacts and shifts at the state level, we will remain ready to take advantage of opportunities as they become available from the state or private funders to expand our efforts. Knowing where we can strengthen our efforts -- for example, we have already evaluated our roofs and equipment needs for solar panels and stand ready to implement -- puts us in a position to move forward quickly as funding becomes available.

How should D200 set and implement its climate and sustainability-related goals? Would you support having D97 endorse the Village-wide Climate Ready Oak Park plan and its 2050 goal?

As noted above, we recently passed board policy 4.72, Sustainability, Climate, and Environmental Justice. This policy acknowledges the Village's 2050 goal and incorporates components appropriate to District 97. I fully endorse an intergovernmental Climate Ready Oak Park effort toward meeting the complete set of goals as a community.

Venus Hurd Johnson

No response.

Ashley Lenz

No response.

Becky Perez

No response.

Vincent Gay

No response.


Where do Oak Park President and Trustee Candidates stand on climate action?


How to Save the Planet and Save Money, Too